Tuesday, October 7, 2014


   When Peter Griffin tries to receive a tax refund and realizes that he is ineligible because his house is not officially apart of his town, he decides to succeed from the United States to form his own independent nation. He creates a dictatorship called Petoria which is run by Peter Griffin himself. In this new nation he grants himself diplomatic immunity so he is able to do whatever he wants without being incriminated. Peter steals his neighbor's pool, runs of grass that is not suppose to be touched, and does not have to abide by any rules. He is allowed to live how he wants and makes his own decisions.
  Eventually, the United States does not want to recognize Petoria as its own independent nation and begins to make laws against it. The US does not allow Peter's family to go to school, go grocery shopping, shuts off their water and shuts off their electricity. When a missile is presented in front of his home, and Petoria had been struggling for weeks, Peter is forced to surrender to the United States. Without an army, Petoria has no defense and quickly recalls the nation. 

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